Meet Aileen Fernandez, PhD. Cancer researcher, passionate about promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

She's smart and articulate.

On today's episode, meet Aileen Fernandez, PhD. Aileen is a postdoctoral associate at Yale School of Medicine. She received her PhD from Georgetown University in Tumor Biology after receiving her Masters from the University of the District of Columbia in Cancer biology, prevention, and control. Aileen works in the lab of Dr. David Rimm, and her research focuses on identifying and developing biomarkers to better identify which patients with cancer will respond to different cancer treatments. She also co-founded the Yale School of Medicine Black Postdoctoral Association (YPA) and has joined the YPA's Working Group for Black Lives and Professional Development committees, as well as the pathology department's Diversity Equity and Inclusion committee.

Dave Bjork Research Evangelist Aileen Fernandez PhD Podcast Episode 21 2021.png

Meet Dr. Leora Horn. The journey from academic lung cancer research to pharmaceutical company leader.


Meet Dr. Lee Schwartzberg. Bringing precision oncology to community practice.