Meet Dr. Lee Schwartzberg. Bringing precision oncology to community practice.

From Memorial Sloan Kettering to Memphis, TN.

On today's episode meet Dr. Lee Schwartzberg, MD, FACP. Dr. Schwartzberg is a medical oncologist and the Medical Director of West Cancer Center. He is also the Chief Medical Officer at OneOncology, an organization that invests in and collaborates with practices to deliver comprehensive cancer care in communities. A renowned expert in the study and treatment of breast cancer, precision medicine and supportive care, Dr. Schwartzberg served on the Board of Directors for the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and is the founding editor-in-chief of the journal Community Oncology. Today we are talking about bringing precision medicine to community oncology practices.

Dave Bjork Research Evangelist Dr Lee Schwartzberg MD FACP Podcast Episode 20 2021.png

Meet Aileen Fernandez, PhD. Cancer researcher, passionate about promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Meet Dr. Michael Caligiuri. He is a world-renowned physician and scientist dedicated to cancer patients, and the visionary leader at City of Hope National Medical Center.