Meet Pamela Gardner. Life science CEO, champion for empowering women in science, and self-described Bad-Ass Butterfly

Just what is a Bad-Ass Butterfly?

Pamela Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Biotech Vendor Services, Inc., which helps companies & organizations in life sciences streamline their vendor management through customized on-site and virtual scientific events. She is also on a mission to help others tackle the tough equity issues of female empowerment and systemic racism to break through the barriers that exist within the system

Pamela Gardner, founder and CEOof Biotech Vendor Services, Inc.

Pamela Gardner, founder and CEO

of Biotech Vendor Services, Inc.


Meet Kimberly Richardson, ovarian cancer patient advocate, and Tova Bergsten, MD/PhD Candidate. Connecting cancer patients to researchers.


Meet Adam Marcus, PhD, cancer researcher focused on the molecular mechanisms that guide lung and breast cancer metastasis.