Meet Sarah Goldberg, MD, MPH. Combining clinical and translational lung cancer research with compassionate patient care.

Building meaningful relationships with patients

Dr. Sarah Goldberg, MD, MPH, is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the division of Medical Oncology at the Yale School of Medicine and Yale Cancer Center. She specializes in the treatment of thoracic malignancies. Her research interests include personalized medicine and immunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer and identification of biomarkers that predict response to treatment. For her, it's all about the patients.

Dr. Sarah Goldberg, MD, MPH

Dr. Sarah Goldberg, MD, MPH


Meet Dr. Narjust Duma. Medical oncologist treating women with lung cancer, social justice scientist, and co-founder of Latinas in Medicine.


Meet Kimberly Richardson, ovarian cancer patient advocate, and Tova Bergsten, MD/PhD Candidate. Connecting cancer patients to researchers.