Meet John Connolly, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy. Leading a new level of scientific collaboration that can change the lives of patients.

Another amazing human.

On today's episode, meet John Connolly, PhD. John is the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) at the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy (PICI), where he designs and executes PICI’s overall research strategy in close collaboration with the institute’s leadership team, center directors and scientific steering committee. Dr. Connolly previously served as CSO of Tessa Therapeutics, a clinical stage cell therapy company focused on solid tumor immunotherapy, and one of PICI’s strategic partners. He is an associate professor at National University of Singapore and an adjunct associate professor of immunology at Baylor University. Dr. Connolly received his PhD in Immunology from Dartmouth Medical School and studied human dendritic cell biology under Dr. Michael Fanger.


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