Meet Dean Wetherbee. He shares insights about the creative communications side of launching and growing biotech companies.

He helps biotechs tell their story

On today’s episode, meet Dean Wetherbee. Dean is the Managing Director of Creative for Ten Bridge Communications in Boston, MA, which bills itself as Biotech’s Communications Partner, an agency guiding biotechs through all stages of growth. Dean has deep experience in strategic and creative marketing. He’s worked in a global agency working with large pharma, emerging biotech, nonprofits and medical device and diagnostics companies. He’s been involved in life sciences for over 20 years and he is passionate about getting treatments to patients.

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Meet Dr. Michael Caligiuri. He is a world-renowned physician and scientist dedicated to cancer patients, and the visionary leader at City of Hope National Medical Center.


Meet Dr. Estela Rodriguez. Thoracic oncologist passionate about empowering women to take charge of their own healthcare.