Meet Heidi and Pierre Onda. Educating the public that anyone with lungs can get lung cancer.

They started a grassroots movement

On today's episode, meet Heidi and Dr. Pierre Onda. Heidi holds a master's degree in Health Education and has been a fitness trainer for 16 years. She is also a stage 3 lung cancer survivor. Pierre is a primary care physician at Kaiser Permanente Colorado and also holds a master's degree in Public Health. Together they started a grassroots movement of lung cancer patients, caregivers, advocates, clinicians and researchers called The White Ribbon Project. The mission is to change the public perception of lung cancer by raising awareness that anyone with lungs can get lung cancer. It's a great story.

Heidi and Dr. Pierre Onda

Heidi and Dr. Pierre Onda


Meet Dr. Estela Rodriguez. Thoracic oncologist passionate about empowering women to take charge of their own healthcare.


Meet Missi Bjork. Nurse and Caregiver.